1) Gifting Goods and Services

If you feel that my audience speaks to your brand, gifted goods or services are graciously welcome.  Please note, however that I will always strive for honesty and transparency with my readers.  If a gift has not turned out so well, I cannot in good conscience feature or recommend to my readers.  But if your gift serves me well, I will try my best to feature you.  I love helping great undiscovered brands.

2) Sponsored Posts

If you are looking for more direct exposure, I’m open to discussing more featured content in a sponsored post. This one requires a little more forethought, since the post has to be relevant to current topics and the overall vibe of the blog.  But it provides a much more custom feel. Also, I need to do right by the FTC and disclose that you sponsored the post.

3) Product Reviews

Similar to (1) above, I am open to reviewing products as well with an eye towards honesty and transparency. Any review needs to cover both the good and the bad. If you’re interested in loaning a product for review, I’m open to it so long as you have settled the logistics for return. However I do not accept “tester” or loaners of consumable products like cosmetics and skincare.  This is just in the general interest of health and safety.  So if you want me to review consumables, I will treat the products provided as gifts.

4) Giveaways

A giveaway is a great way to build excitement with my readers.  Given the wide range of possibilities, it’s probably best to just reach out to me.

5) Guest Posts

Have a blog and looking to cross-promote and get exposure?  I’m open to doing guest posts for blogs that interest me.

6) Affiliate Marketing Programs

Like gifted products and reviews, I am open to affiliate marketing programs so long as they involved products relevant to my audience. While I prefer to keep advertising on my blog to a minimum, I can help cross-promote on my other social media outlets.